When the conditions change; you must adjust your equipment and even your technique to be able to manage! Part of being a skilled sailor is navigating rough seas and that is exactly what we as a global community have encountered with COVID 19 sweeping the world.
The current state of the world, writing this April 9th 2020, is quite interesting. We have seen countries go from operating normally to complete shutdown within a matter of weeks. The general feeling and vibe is quite gloomy because “regular freedom” of citizens have been restricted and for business owners/employees involved in social or tourism niches – a direct impact has occurred requiring most businesses to come to a complete halt.
The passionate LB community around the world has been wondering what is the current state Cabarete and the entire Dominican republic is in.. Currently in the DR we have as well, like many countries, come to a complete halt with flights and cruise industries essentially stopping, curfews at night, all non essential businesses being shut down temporarily (since March 18th to date April 8th 2020) and the businesses that are open and engaging with the public taking measures to reduce the possible chance of a viral spread.
In the eyes of many, including ourselves, both the locals and foreigners across the country have been doing a great job handling the overall situation. The entire situation is unfortunate though people have been adjusting and adapting quite well with also the government coming in with information and solutions that are helping everyone weather the storm.
Times like this are challenging though necessary. It is the first time we have been in a situation like this and it definitely is not the last but the silver lining is that from this everyone who decides to push through will come out stronger. These times of lockdowns can be either the greatest of times or the biggest waste of time – in the end it’s up to you.
Luckily here in Cabarete, Dominican Republic we have sportive conditions all year round and a stable internet to be able to be sporty and productive. During the quarantine we have managed to surf some mornings, kite other afternoons, advance on our online projects and take time to rest and reflect which has been a blessing for the entire team.
*We did have some video projects that we wanted to do though the conditions and overall quarantine situation has put those projects on the back burner. Stay tuned for that!
We are strong believers that everything happens for a reason and the entire situation and timing couldn’t be more perfect as LB was planning on undergoing some changes.
As many know, we had a water sports center in the center of Cabarete that was our gateway for newcomers to get into kiteboarding as well a hub for the LB community to hang out and ride at. This location was planned to be closed April 5th because of the new Marriott International construction of the W in Cabarete which will be a high-end apart-hotel. This is for sure to be a great project for Cabarete as well the entire Dominican Republic as it brings new blood and value which is needed for progress! The project is planned to be done and operational by Fall 2022.
Our WSC in Cabarete temporarily closing our physical location has opened the door to what we plan on offering moving forward. As with our personalized shopping experience at the Concept Store – we are now going to be delivering a personalized kiteboarding experience and service to our existing and new clients in Cabarete.
At LB we will be now focusing more on experiences for Cabarete. Experiences ranging from kite trips to personal coaching all the way to day trips that can bring you from surf lessons in the morning to a helicopter lunch in the mountains then back to the beach for an afternoon kite sessions and sunset mojito at Mojitos apre-kite! The only limit is your energy-
This change and upgrade within our offering in Cabarete, does not mean that eventually we won’t have another physical location on the beach in Cabarete – when the opportunity and time is right we will be back in action directly on the beach with a new and upgraded location. Our Concept Store in the center of town will still be open 7 days a week for all the water apparel, water sports equipment and questions one might have and need!
With all this being said, we do hope that as we are pushing forward to thrive during these times that so are you! This situation has affected us all one way or another for better in the end. It is just a matter for searching for the silver lining and even creating it for yourself if none seem apparent. The emergence of this virus, the global shutdown and the closing of our Water Sports Center on the beach due to a new project is a blessing. With all these changes and opportunities we are excited and looking forward to the future for Liquid Blue. We will not only continue to get better here in the Dominican Republic though in new locations globally-
When conditions get wild – do not be afraid. Fall back on your training, adjusting and adapting accordingly!
Be Safe during these times and Windy Regards,
LB Team
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