You’ve probably seen the trend of Hydrofoiling across social media and always wondered what it would it feel like, foiling on top of the water with a kiteboard. To make it loud and clear ‘’IT’S A RAD FEELING’’ Let’s see when is the best time to learn how to Kite Foil in Cabarete.
When learning Kite Foil you would like to have a consistent wind condition, since it is a completely different feel and skill than kiteboarding.
You will need a bit of extra wind to have a better flotation with the foil board. Once you start learning how to kite foil we always suggest you learn with someone who already knows all the safety measures.
This being said, you will have to be precocious and use a helmet and an impact vest to avoid or reduce the damage your body could receive without it. The Foil itself its quite sharp and it could slice you like a paper cut.
(Our Kite Foiling Classes include Impact Vest & Helmet)
If you’re already foiling and don’t have an impact vest check out the Liquid Blue Concept Store they have the latest Manera 2020 Impact Vest.
Kite/Foil Seasons in Cabarete
Kiteboarding in Cabarete has its seasons. As we all know the best time to learn Kiteboarding in Cabarete, Dominican Republic is Summer due to the perfect trade winds that come from the east. There is also less swell and the wind starts before 12:00 PM.
Hydrofoiling is another beast. The good thing about foiling or hydrofoiling is that you can practice it, with less wind than usual. First, you will have to learn with normal wind conditions (12-15 knots). Once you learn how to hydrofoil with your kite you will be able to go foiling with just (8 knots of wind) Impressive right?.
This is why it will be good to learn this extra skill and have joyful rides with the closest feeling of flying over water. It will allow you to have more water time, especially in the low wind seasons in any part of the world.
If you plan are planning to visit Cabarete in Winter season and learn how to hydrofoil or kiteboard will be a bit more challenging. In winter season (September- December) there is usually less wind and bigger swells which will generate big waves close to shore.
Stores to you can buy foil Equipment
Foiling is Practically new here in Cabarete and not many places have included this into their storage. Though we couldn’t stay behind and currently there are 2 stores you can get foil equipment. In the Liquid Blue Concept Store you could get foil boards and foot straps from F- One.
Your second option would be Vela Cabarete, They have all kind of Foil equipment such as SUP FOIL, SURF FOIL, KITE FOIL & more! Vela Cabarete is owned by Water woman Audrey Meyers who is addicted to the adrenaline in the water. She is doing also some great video content so don’t miss out and check her out!
Overall if you want to have more water time while kiting we would suggest you learn to kite foil.
Let us know if you’d be interested in taking flight with us!
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