*WHAT LEASH SHOULD I BE USING?* – Liquid Blue Cabarete, Dominican Republic


Hey guys, Charles Osterlund here! With Liquid Blue Cabarete, in Cabarete, Dominican Republic. Today we are back with a new video regarding a very specific topic. We have been asked so many questions about this and today we are ready to get the answer for you. What leash should I be using? As always there is no true answer. Charles’s honest opinion is that he finds leashes very annoying. Once he tried to go prone foiling with no leash and it was good success and fun, but you have to be a fast swimmer in case you fall next to a reef, some rocks. If you are not fast enough your board will most likely broke or get destroyed. For Wing Foiling a lot of guys are not using a board leash. In any case, since we are not professionals …

Comparison between the 4.2/5/6 m Swing – Cabarete, Dominican Republic


Hi everyone, Welcome back to our blog! Here is a little comparison between the biggest wings on the F-One range. There is about six wings in the line up, and the ones we are comparing today are the biggest ones. All seems the perfect fit for our conditions here in Cabarete and could be used all the way to 25 knots. It all depends with what gear you match it with and the conditions of your home spot. For more detailed infos, watch the video : ) Thank you for watching and we hope you enjoyed our video! For any idea or questions you may have, comment in the section below or email us at [email protected]! If you want to stay up to date with our content – subscribe to our YouTube and check us out on: Instagram: @lbcabarete Facebook: …

Kahkow Experience in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic


Santo Domingo is rarely seen as a destination to visit for those water sports enthusiasts because it is a crowded city with millions of people. From mega shopping malls, traffic jams, high rise buildings, Ferrari dealerships, exquisite restaurants your days in the capital of the Dominican Republic will be fast passed and loud! Wether one might believe it or not there are actually many experiences that tourists as well as many locals don’t know about or have lived. An underground, entertaining, and educational experience is the one of KahKow in the colonial zone. The KahKow concept emerged 15 years ago out of the Rizek family century long experience in cacao production.The name KahKow comes from cacao + know how… Under the shadow of the Dominican cacao trees, we harvest some excellent raw material to make chocolate: our world- class cacao. …

Affordable DIY Foiling Waist Leash with Charles Osterlund – Liquid Blue Cabarete, Dominican Republic


Charles Osterlund from Liquid Blue Cabarete with Jens from Vela came up with a quick and inexpensive solution for those who want a waist leash while foiling though don’t want to spend 50 USD or more on one. In detail here are some quick and important points on the solution and the pros/cons. Wether you are a beginner or not, these tips are here to help you and guide you while practicing this trending extreme sport. If you have any questions do not hesitate to comment or reach out to us directly. Thank you for watching and reading. We hope you enjoyed our video! For any idea or questions you may have, comment in the section below or email us at [email protected]! If you want to stay up to date with our content – subscribe to our YouTube and check …



The Inertia tested a F-One Rocket Wing V2 5’10 along a F-One Phantom Carbon 1480 foil with a pack alu mast 75. The Phantom can also receive a full carbon mast. Here is the full article published by Joe Carberry @ The Inertia. Finding the perfect foil board is like finding the perfect surfboard: it’s all about the conditions. For surf, you usually want something small-ish but with enough volume to make it easy to pop up. For kiting, you can go smaller, blessed with the power of the wind. Foiling a boat wake? Even smaller as again, the infinite power of the boat negates any need for volume. For me the perfect foil board is between 5’8″ and 5’11”, 80-100 liters to fit my bulbous six-foot, 190-pound frame. I prefer foiling in the open ocean or river using the power of wind – way away from …

How To Pump Up Your Wing? Cabarete – Dominican Republic


Welcome back guys, Today we are publishing this video to show you in a very easy way how to pump your wing! Charles is pumping a brand new 6 m F-One Swing! Remember that these wings can only be pumped with a special adaptor. Once you take your wing out of the bag, you will have to open it up and just as a kite make sure that your back is to the wind! ALWAYS PUMP UP YOUR WING DOWNWIND OF YOU! Take your leash and hook it on to the leash spot right in the center, once is hooked on you will need to open up the reactor valve, and pull it out, and finally get pumping. When you are pumping your wing make sure you follow the PSI that it states on the gear. Once you are done …

What Is The Right Wing For You? Cabarete – Dominican Republic


Hey Guys! Welcome back… Here is Charles Osterlund speaking regarding a very popular topic. What Is The Right Wing For You? Obviously the answer to this question can vary and it depends on many factors: 1) Athleticism 2) Conditions – Wind – Sea 3) Weight For someone who is a bit heavier just like kitesurfing be aware of the fact that you will need bigger equipment. Which means a board with more volume, bigger size wing, and potentially a bigger hydrofoil. The opposite will work just fine for somebody who is on the lighter side. In this case we are going to share some information that you can find online, on our website and as well on the F- One website! Currently there are six wings in the line up. For Cabarete, we usually ride with a 4.2 m , …

Behind The Sport – Wing Foiling


Do you want to practice a sport that is a mix of kitesurfing, paddle-boarding, windsurfing, and foiling?  If the answer is yes then great because you landed on the right page. Wing Foiling is the right sport for you! We will help you by giving you any tips we know and share our experience with this amazing new sport.  But first of all! Let’s deepen our background behind the sport. Here is some infos that might be interesting regarding the history behind wing foiling.  Wing foiling is not supposed to replace windsurfing, kiteboarding, and paddleboarding… It’s a compliment, an addition, an alternative, and subgenre of wave riding and sailing. It’s all about carving around, having fun… It Is not designed to ride fast and neither for jumping The story around the sport is just as interesting as the discipline itself. …

Is It Safe to Travel to the Dominican Republic?


During a time so unusual and unfortunate, people want to be as safe as possible. People might take the time to isolate themselves and enjoy doing so. The people that don’t enjoy isolation are travellers. The average person travels once or twice a year, yet they have not been able to thanks to lockdown. This should not stop you. As long as you follow the government’s safety and coronavirus guidelines, then your travels to the Dominican Republic should be as safe as ever.  Of course despite the virus, people still wonder whether or not the country of Dominican Republic is safe in itself. The answer is, yes. Of course there is the usual crime but as long as you don’t walk around in the middle of the night by yourself like a crazy person, you should be fine. There are …



We have just received our first batch of BANDIT S2 and because of Covid, we have had no opportunities to test it out with the F-One team ahead of its release. So we were pretty excited and mother nature was quite nice and rewarded us with strong wind and a good first swell of the fall season. That was my first time going back to Waddell in a while and the devastation after the fires that have engulfed so many areas in the state and on the San Mateo and Santa Cruz coastline is pretty shocking. We have had numerous people we know that have lost a good chunk of their properties and for some their house and I could not help but think of how crazy this year has been. Going to the water is always the best way …